Whether you'RE a touring artist or a local Tucson band, you already know you need merch! A simple graphic design printed onto the right shirt can help your fans want to wear you, and I love collaborating with bands and brands to create eye-catching t-shirt designs. I've created a lot of shirts for my own band, Ryanhood, and learned a lot about what works and what doesn't. Check out some of those designs, along with things I've created for other brands below. Then let me know what you have in mind.

"In Tucson As It Is In Heaven" Shirt
t-shirt design

Ryanhood, "Red Vintage Circle" Shirt
t-shirt design

Ryanhood, "Green Feather" Shirt
t-shirt design

Ryanhood, "Blue Arizona Star" Shirt
t-shirt design

Good Lost, "Black Logo on Grey" Shirt
t-shirt design

Khalsa Montessori School, "Traversing 2020 Together" Shirt
t-shirt design, Illustration

Ryanhood, "Red Logo Tag" Beanie
hat design