How MUCH DOES A LOGO COST? Welcome to the wonderful world of graphic design pricing. You can sometimes find a $25 logo on Fiverr or you can go the Pepsi route and drop $1 million for a neat new swoosh. It can be maddening, so I like to keep it simple. I use project pricing rather than hourly pricing*, and below you'll find price ranges for lots of common projects. (The variations in price for each kind of project are based on each unique project's particular vision and scope). While you'll notice I'm not the cheapest graphic designer in Tucson, these price ranges will hopefully light the way a little, and help you know what to expect as you move closer to your goal. So, take note of my project pricing, check Fiverr, think it over with your besties, and then let's talk about how the world will be better if we bring your idea to life!

Ads, Postcards & Programs (single-sided): $150 – $300
Ads, Postcards & Programs (2-sided): $300 – $600
Brochures & Bulletins (4 – 12 pages): $450 – $900
Business Cards (single-sided): $150
Business Cards (2-sided): $300
Magazines & Booklets (16+ pages): $1200 – $2250
Posters: $150 - $375
Digital-Only Single: $375 – $750
Digital-Only Album Cover: $375 – $750
CD Package: $1000 – $2500
Vinyl Package: $1500 – $2500
Book Cover: $750 – $1500
Book Cover (Front/Back/Spine): $900 – $1800
Book Cover (F/B/S, Typesetting): $2650 – $3550
Logo: $750 – $1500
Brand Identity Package: $1500 – $3000
other projects
Illustrations: $150 – $300
Spotify Playlist Covers: $375 – $750
Podcast Covers: $375 – $750
T-Shirts: $150 – $450
Videos: Please contact me with project details.
*(With hourly pricing, designers get paid more the longer they take to complete something, meaning it doesn't pay to be fast or good. Weird, huh?)
want to talk?
There's no obligation, just a conversation. Tell me about the project you have in mind, including a rough idea of the deadline you're shooting for, and let's dream a little!